Funded by this project (* indicates invited talks)
*Daniel R. Reynolds, Cody J. Balos, Darin R. Ernst, Manaure Francisquez, Carol S. Woodward, Higher-order multirate infinitesimal methods for tokamak turbulence, SciCAdE International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, July 2027, 2022.
D. R. Ernst, M. Francisquez, D. Reynolds, C. Balos, and C. Woodward, Reduced Model and Algorithmic Test-bed for Cross-Scale Interactions in Multi-Scale ITG/ETG Turbulence, 2022 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Santa Rosa, April 4-6, 2022
D. J. Gardner, H. H. Schwartz, C. S. Woodward, and L. L. LoDestro, Towards the Use of Anderson Acceleration in Coupled Transport – Gyrokinetic Turbulence Simulations, 2021 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA21) 2021, virtual.
*A. Hakim, First nonlinear full-f electromagnetic gyrokinetic continuum simulations of turbulence in tokamak scrape-off layer and pedestal, oral talk, IAEA 2021.
*N. Mandell, Magnetic fluctuations in gyrokinetic simulations of tokamak SOL turbulence, Journal of Plasma Physics Frontiers colloquium series, April 2020.
*N. Mandell, Electromagnetic Reduction of Transport and Heat-Flux Width in Gyrokinetic Simulations of Helical Scrape-Off Layer Model, invited oral, Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, August 2021.
M. Francisquez, D. R. Ernst, D. Reynolds, C. Balos, A 2D gyrofluid model for multiscale turbulence and its comparison to gyrokinetics, 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 8–12, 2021.
*D. R. Hatch, Understanding Pedestal Transport Through Gyrokinetic and Edge Modeling, invited talk, 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 9–13, 2020.
*D. R. Ernst, Favorable Core and Pedestal Transport Properties of the Wide Pedestal QH-Mode Regime, invited talk NI02.6, 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 9–13, 2020.
*A. Hakim, Alias-free, Matrix-free, and Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Algorithms for (Plasma) Kinetic Equations, SuperComputing 2020, November 2020.
M. Francisquez, D. R. Ernst, D. Reynolds, C. Balos, Cross-Scale Interactions in Multi-scale Turbulence Explored Through a Reduced Model, oral talk, VP11.20. 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 9–13, 2020.
*N. R. Mandell, Investigating magnetic fluctuations in gyrokinetic simulations of tokamak SOL turbulence, invited talk, 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 9–13, 2020.
*N. Mandell, Magnetic fluctuations in gyrokinetic simulations of tokamak SOL turbulence,Journal of Plasma Physics Frontiers colloquium series, April 2020.
*Q. Pan, First implementation of gyrokinetic exact linearized landau collision operator and comparison with models, invited talk, APS 2019.
D. R. Ernst, New Mechanisms for Improved Confinement with Isotopic Mass, International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (April 15-17, 2019, Princeton, New Jersey).
*D. R. Hatch, Understanding Pedestal Transport Through Gyrokinetic and Edge Modeling, invited talk, TTF 2019.
*D. R. Hatch, Gyrokinetic Comparison of JET-ILW and JET-C Pedestal Transport, invited talk, EPS 2019.
*Tess Bernard, Gyrokinetic continuum simulations of plasma turbulence in the Texas Helimak, Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Princeton, April 2019.
*Tess Bernard, Gyrokinetic continuum simulations of plasma turbulence in the Texas Helimak, 24th Joint US-EU Transport Task Force Meeting, Austin, March 2019.
*D. R. Ernst, Partnership for Multiscale Gyrokinetic Turbulence – FASTMath and RAPIDS Applications, invited talk, FASTMath All-Hands meeting (2018).
D. R. Hatch et al., Presentation at SciDAC PI meeting, 2018.
D. R. Ernst, Model for Nonlinear Upshift of TEM Critical Density Gradient and ITG Dimits Shift, International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (May 1-3, 2017, Annapolis, Maryland).
Other relevant presentations
*D. R. Ernst et al., Results of the 2022 U.S. Joint Research Target on Intrinsically Non-ELMing Enhanced Confinement Regimes, 65th APS Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado, BI02.6, Monday, October 30, 2023.
*D. R. Ernst et al., Recent Experiments and Simulations to Develop Intrinsically Non-ELMing Enhanced Confinement Regimes, 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics Bordeaux, France, I3.103: 11:40 AM, Wednesday, 5 July 2023.
*D. R. Ernst et al., FY22 JRT Progress, Plans and Discussion: Intrinsically ELM-stable Enhanced Confinement Regimes, 2022 Edge Coordinating Committee Meeting, Santa Rosa, California, April 6, 2022.
*D. R. Ernst et al., New Developments in Wide Pedestal QH-Mode Transport from Core to SOL, Plenary Talk, 2022 U.S.-E.U. Transport Task Force Meeting, Santa Rosa, California, April 5-8, 2022.
*D. R. Ernst et al., Favorable Transport Properties of the Wide Pedestal QH-Mode Regime, Invited Talk, 2019 US Transport Task Force Workshop, Austin, Texas, March 18-21, 2019.
Dan Reynolds, (FASTMath) presentation on multiscale methods, Aug. 7, 2018, MGK/FASTMath conf. call
*D. R. Ernst et al.,Viability of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Burning Plasma Operation, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Gandinagar, India, invited oral EX/2-2, October 22-27, 2018.